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Rullskidor genom
Fredrik Erixon
Mina företag
Drive Action Marketing AB
Årets äventyr AB
Acid Training AB
Exon & Jaeger AB
Smygehuk till Barcelona
Etapp två av Fredrik Erixons äventyr på rullskidor. Denna gången startar han i Smygehuk, där The Road Ahead avslutades 2019. Nu kommer han som första människa ta sig genom Europa stakandes på rullskidor genom hela Europa. Start är planerad till den 29:e maj och om allt går enligt plan så har han lyckats staka sig på rullskidorna ner till Barcelona på 30 dagar...
Swedish adventurer and entrepreneur Fredrik Erixon will during June undertake an adventure that has never been done before. To get from Sweden to Spain on roller skis. Coping with dubbel-pulling on small roller skis, handling the warmsummer weather, doing all navigation, riding on public roads, filming and staying focused on personal safety, this is just some of the parts Frederik will meet during the craziest ski adventure one can imagine.
Crossing Europe on roller skis is a physical and mental challenge like no other.
Fredrik Erixon's adventure across Europe on roller skis is a different and unique adventure, one that has absolutely never been done before. Doing this “slow travel” is something that he think is important and will show the best sides of the different countries and people on the way.
An important part of the adventure involves the “old way” of travelling. Fredrik explains - In today's society, everyone is travels everywhere, all the time. But no one really travels. Today, the journey is nothing more than a quick transport to a destination.
This adventure is about the joy and appreciation of the simplicity of a slow journey, and just to be able to feel good, and finding what things that might be worth a detour on the great roads of Europe.
Getting across Europe on roller skis and experiencing the journey, not the destination, will be a big part of the adventure and will build the story in the upcoming film about the adventure of going down to Spain on roller skis.

About the adventure
Fredrik himself, and partly together with a film crew, will ride aprox. 90 km on roller skis every day for 30 days. Simultaneously producing a documentary film and creating the second episode of the Road Ahead adventure. The film will not just highlight the challenge of the trip but also the joy of being out in nature and on the roads of Europe. He will start on the 29:th of may in the south of Sweden, passing Copenhagen, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Lyon and reaching Barcelona in the beginning of july.
The Road Ahead
The Road Ahead - Episode 2 - Sweden to Spain
Tack till alla fantastiska sponsorer som gjorde detta äventyr möjligt!
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